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Country visit - FSM/RMI Download as iCal file
From Monday, 14 March 2011 -  12:00am
To Friday, 15 April 2011 - 11:59pm
Hits : 22187
Federated States of Micronesia (14th - 30th March 2011)
(a) Assist with preparations for the National Water Summit on 22nd March;
(b) Represent the Pacific IWRM Programme at the National Summit;
(c) Coordinate interviews for the post of FSM GEF IWRM Demonstration Project Manager; and
(d) Provide induction training to both the EU and GEF supported IWRM staff in the FSM.

Republic of Marshall Islands (30th March - 15th April)
(a) Assist with preparations for the MCES Water and Sanitation Committee meeting planned for 12th-15th April;
(b) Provide Secretariat support to this meeting; and
(c) Provide support to the GEF funded National Integrated Water Resources Management Demonstration Project being implementing by RMIEPA.
During his proposed visit to RMI, Mr. Paterson will also coordinate inputs from the Micronesian sub-region to the Pacific IWRM programme’s Regional Technical Advisory Group meeting planned for the first week of April.

Location : Pohnpei, FSM/Majuro, RMI
Contact : Christopher Paterson ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )



Dr. Russell Howorth has been elected Chairman of the Legal and Technical Commission of the International Seabed Authority (ISA).

With the election of Dr. Howorth, the Pacific continues to play a prominent role at ISA; its President, Peter Thomson, is Fiji’s permanent representative to the United Nations, while ISA’s first Secretary General, Satya Nand, is a former Fiji Ambassador.  Dr. Howorth is the Director of SOPAC, a division of the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC).

ISA was established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and currently has 162 member states. It is an autonomous international organization, to which state parties to the Convention are given the responsibility of organising, controlling and administering the resources of the international seabed beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.

In his capacity as chairman of the Legal and Technical Commission, Dr. Howorth presides over a 25-member council that is entrusted with functions relating to activities in the international seabed.

Included in these are the review of applications for plans of work, supervision of exploration or mining activities and the assessment of the environmental impact of such activities.

The Commission also provides advice to the International Seabed Authority’s Assembly and Council on all matters relating to exploration and exploitation of non-living marine resources (such as polymetallic [manganese] nodules, polymetallic (sulphides and cobalt crusts).

While Dr. Howorth’s term on the Legal and Technical Commission is for five years, his chairmanship is for the coming year.